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Mandan Flood Risk Reduction Project

Currently, the Lower Heart River levee system is undergoing a FEMA re-accreditation process. A study conducted in 2012 indicated significant portions of the levee are not high enough to meet current federal standards. In the event the levee system cannot meet FEMA accreditation requirements, property owners protected by the levee system would be subject to flood insurance requirements. Should that happen, the direct economic impact to this area is estimated to be $9.6 million dollars annually.


Projects required to attain FEMA accreditation include:

Floodwall replacement

Raise 6,000 feet of levee and build stability berm in Lower Unit

Re-alignment and seepage mitigation in 3rd Street SE reach 

Raise 1,800 feet of levee and provide seepage remediation along Mandan Municipal Golf Course

Localized minor levee raises along the levee system

Interior drainage improvements, including lift station, to eliminate dry-side flooding

The improvements will be accomplished with a combination of federal, state, and local funding. The North Dakota State Water Commission will provide the state funding and will bear a slightly larger portion of the costs. Initial estimates put the local portion of the funding at about $8.5 million. Heart River Water Resource District and City of Mandan have applied for federal funding for the project through FEMA's Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant program and were awarded $13.8 million in federal funds.


Local cost share will be funded by property owners within the City of Mandan through the City’s special assessment process. The assessment district was approved by the Mandan City Commission in 2022.

Floodwall between water and house


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